Intern - Degenerative Diseases

Deadline: N/A

Link: Click Here

“The intern will be provided with opportunities to learn basic laboratory techniques, how to gather and interpret data, and specific research methods including biochemistry, cell and molecular biology techniques that are widely applicable in any research settings. These include RNA/DNA/protein isolation and detection techniques, PCR, plasmid DNA transformation, restriction digestion, gel electrophoresis, Western blotting, cell and tissue culture techniques, etc. Intern will be provided with closely-supervised training and opportunities to develop his/her professional skills along with research experience. The intern will learn specific neuroscience research methods, data analysis, and interpretation, how to prepare for and conduct oral presentations. In addition, the intern will be presented with opportunities to interact with fellow scientists within a multidisciplinary research team. The intern will participate in laboratory meetings, including research group meetings and journal clubs. Progress and learning objectives will be measured through weekly one-on-one meetings with PI and supervisor. Finally, the intern will prepare an oral presentation of his/her research work.”


Intern-Cushman & Wakefield


Intern - Immunity and Pathogenesis