Upcoming Resource Guidebooks

Cognizant of the challenges facing youth, particularly the scarcity of proper academic guidance and avenues for discovering personal passions, we have endeavored to provide solutions. Our collaborative efforts have resulted in the authoring of two books: one focusing on demystifying college majors and aiding in selecting suitable paths, while the other delves into the exploration and pursuit of personal passions. The two books aim to empower young individuals with the knowledge and tools necessary to navigate their academic journeys and pursue their passions effectively.

Passion Northstar Guidebook

The Passion Northstar guidebook offers practical advice on how young leaders can develop their interests, get involved with their communities, and turn their passions into meaningful projects. Packed with self-assessment tools, activities, and advice for parents on supporting their children, this guidebook is an essential resource for youth and parents committed to community action and making a positive impact.

An Overview of our Guidebook:

“Introduction to the United Nations' 17 Goals”

“Organizations That Help Improve the World”

“Service Opportunities within Non-profit organizations”

“How Youth Can Help Solve the World’s Problems”

“73 Community Service Project Ideas

“Turning Interests into Passion Projects”

The College Major Compass

The College Major Compass is a comprehensive guide which provides detailed information on a wide range of college majors. Each chapter outlines typical career paths, offering valuable insight to help students discover their ideal academic and career pathway that align with their passion and goals.

An overview of our guidebook:

Comprehensive College Major Information

Career Path Outlines

Personal Fit Identification

Guidance and Insights