Coordinated Career Pathways
Organization: Self Determined Futures LLC.
Deadline: No Deadline
To Apply: Click Here
Organization Overview: The mission of Self Determined Futures (SDF) L.L.C. is to empower and uplift disadvantaged and marginalized populations by providing comprehensive services and support. We are committed to addressing the unique challenges faced by these communities and working towards creating a more equitable society.
Key Information: Aligned with Self Determined Futures (SDF) L.L.C. 's mission, the Coordinated Career Pathways (CCP) program, supports individuals transitioning from work activity programs, sub-minimum wage jobs, or secondary education into competitive integrated employment (CIE). The Career Pathway Navigator (CPN) and Customized Employment Specialist (CES), offer targeted support for 18 to 24 months, beginning with a Person-Centered Career Plan (PCCP) outlining each participant’s goals, strengths, challenges, and needed support.
What you can get from this program:
Internships & Work Experience
Career Exploration
Education & Training
Eligibility Requirements:
Have a intellectual or developmental disability.
Qualify for regional services under San Diego Regional Center or Westside Regional Center.