Point Loma Farmers Market Volunteer

Description : “ Devoted to Youth hosts the Point Loma Farmers Market every Sunday. The proceeds of the market go toward charities that support families and children, as well as food/donation drives. Devoted to Youth needs volunteers to run the market as smoothly as possible so that their small staff team can focus on making it a bigger weekly market. They want the market to be at a scale where it can help all of San Diego.

Volunteers are needed to help with setting up, tearing down, cooking at a food booth, supervising the kids area, and staffing the info our booth. Event Set Up volunteers will be setting up the food booths, kids area, and helping vendors. Market Support volunteers will be taking food orders, cooking, kids area, and helping vendors. Event Breakdown volunteers will be cleaning up food booth, breaking down food booths and kids area, helping vendors, collecting tables, chairs, and umbrellas.”

Link : https://www.handsonsandiego.org/opportunity/a0CQQ00001JxcPn2AJ/help-out-point-loma-farmers-market


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