Film & Media Studio Program
Organization: Options for All—Click here to apply
Application Deadline: Ongoing
Overview: This program offers adults with intellectual and/or developmental disabilities an immersive learning experience in film and media production. Participants gain hands-on training and classroom instruction in various aspects of the industry, including film production, multimedia development, and teamwork. Graduates can pursue employment opportunities or other services to further their skills.
Key Information:
Location: San Diego, CA
Modality: In-person
Compensation: Not applicable (program participation)
Estimated Time Commitment: 20 weeks per semester, 25 hours per week
Eligibility Requirements:
Adults aged 18 and older with intellectual and/or developmental disabilities
Must express an interest in film and media production
Must not present a danger to themselves or others
Funding must be provided through the Regional Center or private payment
Participants must travel independently to and from the production location
Commitment to complete the program with a 95% attendance rate